Slipping up

We all slip up from time to time. We let our fears get the best of us, we procrastinate on our goals, we get frustrated over something small. It’s ok to slip up, as long as you get back up on your two feet. Don’t punish yourself for a mistake, don’t feel discouraged by a mistake and don’t feel guilty about a mistake. We’re all human. As long as you’re trying your best, you’ll go far, mistakes and all.

(Image: Volume Twenty Five)

Don’t let life pass by

Remember why you started and keep going. Look back at how far you’ve come and keep going. Imagine where you could be and keep going. Keep going, keep trying, keep hustling. Think how much you’ll have to show for it. Whether you end up making a u-turn, staring at a crossroad, or coming to a dead-end, just keep going. Don’t sit on the fence and let life pass by.


Say more yeses

Say yes tina fey

Add more yes into your life. Say yes to the challenge. Say yes to trying again. Say yes to adventure. Say yes to spoiling yourself. Say yes to taking control. Say yes to your feelings. Say yes to opening up. Say yes to love. Say yes to being who you are. Say yes to saying no. Say yes to your own life. It’s empowering and exhilarating. And it can be just as empowering and exhilarating to say no. Do what’s best for you, what feels right to you, and what brings most happiness to you.


Our best chance at life


The idea of beginning again or trying again is daunting, overwhelming and disheartening. We’re creatures who find comfort in sticking to the way things are. It’s what we know. But the truth is that not everything we know works to give us our best chance at life. And when things aren’t working, we have to find a way to change them in order to give ourselves that best chance. Sometimes our relationships with other people are restricting or our relationship with ourselves is unhealthy. Sometimes our environment weighs us down or our day to day life doesn’t inspire us. Sometimes what we desperately hope will work won’t. And this is when we should tell ourselves that it’s ok to turn over a new leaf, whether it’s to plunge into the unknown or take a little dip. Because we all deserve our best chance at life. And we’re the ones who bestow that gift to ourselves. Don’t hide it away.




Be afraid not to try

be afraid not to try quote

The prospect of putting in the hard work towards a dream and failing is enough to intimidate any of us into not trying at all. It’s true that we cannot predict what will work and what won’t or whether we’ll end up where we hope to, but we shouldn’t close ourselves off from the possibilities of the world. What if we take that chance, take that leap, take that time and we thrive? What if our mistakes signal us to a more prosperous path? And what if we could actually see into our future – would we actually want to see it? Don’t be afraid of the world. Don’t be afraid of the unknown or the possibility of failing. Rather focus on the obstacles we place in front of ourselves. Choose to get back up. Choose to see the beauty. And choose most of all to try.


Thought of the Day: Giving Up

letting go quote

Sometimes life is a struggle between knowing when to push on and when to give up. It’s hard to know when it’s the last straw, the last chance or the last attempt. Giving up is perceived as weak, lazy and cowardly. But giving up can also be brave and essential to our happiness. To give up on a bad career, on a relationship that’s going nowhere, or on a path that’s leading us in the wrong direction is admirable. To give up can bring relief, peace and freedom. It can give us back our time, our focus, and our energy. Of course, there are times when we shouldn’t give up. And sometimes we just have to follow our instincts to know what to do. But ultimately, we shouldn’t give up on our own wellbeing. Sometimes that requires some holding on and some letting go. Whichever it is, let it lead you forward.

(Image: Pinterest)

Stretch Yourself

Seth Godin quote

We’ll never know unless we try. Our minds have a habit of deceiving us into believing everything it conjures up. And usually, it’s not all fairy tales and happy endings; in fact, we insist that such things don’t exist and that instead we’re destined to fail or be miserable. But sometimes we’ve just got to ignore that nagging voice and step out in spite of it. Now let’s not be extreme – whilst wading out of our comfort zone, we don’t want to find ourselves in the panic zone. Because that’s where the fear, misery and failure wait to lure us into reclusion and darkness. No, we have to be smart and stretch ourselves just a little beyond our comfort every time. That’s where magic lies. That’s where we learn, grow and live. We’ll never know unless we try. Stretch yourself.

Thought of the Day: Be Active

Never know quote

Some change we cannot predict and some change we do not welcome. But those changes we envision for the future, those we crave and desire, are often the ones we must take action for. We will never be able to begin a new adventure or never progress in our ventures without acting. We will never know where our life will take us without trying out possibilities and taking opportunities. We will never grow or help something else grow without asking questions. We will never stop struggling if we never ask for help as much as finding the strength within. Nobody will know what we’re feeling if we never let them know. We can’t expect everything we want to happen without working for it. And most of the time, it takes a lot less than we think. Start small and simple. Every little helps. Any step is one step forward.