We are all creators of reality

I'm here to build my own world

Nothing’s too crazy. Nothing’s too unrealistic. Nothing’s too absurd. Not if you don’t think so. Those limits, those boundaries, those obstacles, those fears, those excuses, those expectations. They’re all in your head. If we never try the impossible, we never have a chance to show it’s possibility. We are all human. We are all dreamers. And we are all creators. Believe in your own ideas and your own imagination. Reality will always be created by those who seize the opportunity to build and add to it. Create your own world. You can do it as good as the next person.

(Image: blogspot.com)

Thought of the Day: Limitations

Confined by walls quote

We all have limitations. We all have fears and worries. We all have things that trigger our anger and frustration. We all have gaps in our perceptions, understanding and knowledge. But walls are only in the mind. We’ll never be perfect. We’ll never know everything. And that’s okay. But we can always be better. Even if it’s just at coping. We can push the limits and break down our limitations. We just need to choose to. We need to be willing to work on ourselves and grow. We set our own limitations. And we can knock them down too.

(Image: Pinterest)