Page 2: Accepting change

Change can be unsettling. From leaving home for the first time to switching jobs to learning something new, change is unknown and uncomfortable.

I found out today that a colleague is moving on to another role. Not only am I coming to terms with the fact that I’ll be saying goodbye to a friendly face in the office, but it will mean taking on new responsibilities and adapting to a new workload. It’s unknown and uncomfortable for me – and I’m sure for my colleague too.

But change is also possibility, opportunity, destiny. It’s about new beginnings, making mistakes and learning from them. It’s where the magic glows and strength grows. We should always be changing, even if it’s just the little things like our route to work or morning routine. It keeps our minds active, receptive and thriving.

I’m going to be less afraid of it, and instead, embrace it.

(Image: lukbeautifood)

At war with yourself

We punish ourselves for the past. We punish ourselves for things outside our control. We punish ourselves for not fitting the perfect mould. Why do we torture ourselves? We need to stop dwelling on what we cannot change and shouldn’t need to change. We need to start embracing where we’ve been and where we’re going. We need to love who we are and work towards who we want to be. Because it’s going to be pretty awesome. Let’s not dull the sparkle.

(Image: Tumblr)

Yesterday, today, tomorrow 

Today is where yesterday and tomorrow meet. Today is where yesterday has brought you. Today is where you decide yesterday won’t define tomorrow. Today is where you change tomorrow by acting today. Today is where possibility lies, with yesterday written and tomorrow not yet created. Today is what we have now. Do something your future self will thank you for, but most of all cherish today as if there were no yesterday and no tomorrow.


Person of the past

It’s easy to punish ourselves for the things we’ve done in the past. But the truth is, since then, we’ve changed – we’re not that person of the past anymore. And more importantly, we can change. Stop beating yourself up for something you did when you were a different person. Start focusing on where you’re going and how you’re going about it. Don’t let the sadness of the past rob the happiness of now. Always forgive, but never forget, learn from your mistakes, but never regret.


Take control of your life 

It’s time to take control of your life. Time won’t stop ticking on. People won’t stop opening their mouths. The world won’t stop to hand everything to you. We have to dream and pursue and work and keep going. There’s no one else who can live your life for you, whether you think they do or think they can. You’re in the driver’s seat. It’s time to put your hands on the wheel.


Work in progress

Life is a work in progress. It won’t always be easy, it won’t always be perfect, and it won’t always be bright. But it’s those complexities, discrepancies and intricacies that make it worth living. We appreciate more when we have less, appreciate ease when we’ve worked hard, and appreciate light when we’ve sat in the dark. We’re still finding our way and changing our minds and making mistakes and trying again. Life’s a work in progress and we are too. We can design and live as we please. That’s the beauty of life.


Take control of your life 

Take control of the hand you are dealt. Take responsibility for the life at your feet. Take the opportunities right in front of you. Life isn’t perfect, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be good. A door closes so another one can open. If we take control of our lives, take responsibility and take opportunity, our life has a kaleidoscope full of possibilities instead of the inevitability you settle for. Don’t give up on it. Take it. The only one who can change your life is you.

Closed eyes

We can walk through life with our eyes closed. And that might be an easy road to take. But there’s so much more to life than our own thoughts and opinions, our own circumstances and hardships, our own drive and fears. And they’re important. But if we open our eyes a little wider, we see a bit more of the world as it is and how it could be. If we listen a little more, we might hear how others see the world too. We can change our thoughts, our circumstances, our fears. We step closer to realising how we make it better and how we make it worse, and how we can continue to make it better. How much better the world would be if we actually look at it and listen to it with an open mind.

(Image: tumblr)

Good energies

It’s so easy to forget how much we can change someone’s day in one interaction. No matter what our relationship with the other person is and no matter what type of environment we find ourselves in, our energy and our actions do make a mark. I’ve seen coffee shop baristas pick out the best cookie for their customer. I’ve heard enthusiastic train conductors wishing everyone a pleasant day. I’ve seen a shop assistants help carry a mother struggling with her pram up the stairs. I’ve heard of people anonymously paying for others’ meals at restaurants. And there’s so many more similar interactions that are so small but make a huge difference. Energy is infectious – when you make someone feel good, they’ll want to do the same for others. Good vibes all around are down to each of us believing it’s up to us.


Make the world beautiful 

The world isn’t always beautiful. Life isn’t always fair, forgiving or fun. But the world and life are only as beautiful as we make it too. Everything you touch, every person you meet, everything you do affects the world around you. You can make your world beautiful. You can make someone else’s world beautiful. And if we at least try to, even if we cannot all the time, the world will be infinitely more beautiful in spite of its flaws and our flaws. A small gesture, a little passion, a spark of joy can make all the difference.

(Image: Twitter)