Never stop believing 

In life, we’ll face setbacks, obstacles and injustice. But don’t give up on life. Never stop fighting for what you believe in, for what is right, and never stop believing it can come true. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. And love will win against hate.

(Image: Instagram)

Spread love not hate

It’s said that our language was born out of our need to gossip. But why have we made it so normal? We tear people down instead of lifting them up. We judge people instead of accepting them. People become afraid to be themselves, become obsessed with reaching perfection, become ruthless towards anyone who poses a threat to their fragile sense of security. And sadly, the cycle continues. Let’s use our words kindly. Let’s give people a hand. Let’s accept everyone for who they are. Let’s celebrate our differences. Imagine what we could do by spreading love instead of hate. How much better the world would be – even yours.

(Image: Pinterest)

Love more

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? I would change its heart. And we can. Keep an open mind. Give people benefit of the doubt. Be kind to people without expecting anything in return. Stand up for people without a voice. Listen to people who need it. Speak to people who are lonely. Love more. Hate less. That’s how we can save the world from being swallowed up in darkness.


Practice forgiveness

Don’t give forgiveness because it’s the right thing to do. Rather because it’s the most liberating thing to do. When you forgive someone or yourself, you wash your body of grudges, judgement and hate. Forgive just as much for yourself as for others. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Give people a second chance. Even when that person is you. Nobody is perfect. And so that isn’t something we shouldn’t hold against each other or ourselves. Practice forgiveness and moving on.


Person of the past

It’s easy to punish ourselves for the things we’ve done in the past. But the truth is, since then, we’ve changed – we’re not that person of the past anymore. And more importantly, we can change. Stop beating yourself up for something you did when you were a different person. Start focusing on where you’re going and how you’re going about it. Don’t let the sadness of the past rob the happiness of now. Always forgive, but never forget, learn from your mistakes, but never regret.



Those who’ll win are those who are driven by love rather than hate, by passion rather than anger, by success rather than revenge. Those who’ll win are those who will take the high road, who will admit their mistakes, and who will offer their forgiveness. Those who’ll win are those who learn to accept the finality of the past and the uncertainty of the future. Those who’ll win are those who fight for something rather than against something and who measure their success by what they have rather than what they don’t. Those who’ll win are those who believe they can, but still put the work in. You can be a winner too.


Switch on the lightbulb

Some people are going to say that your ideas are stupid. Don’t listen to them. People ridiculed the idea that the earth revolved around the sun. The truth is, people tend to put down things they don’t understand or put down things that contradict their way of thinking. Don’t let that stop you from pursuing your ideas. We won’t ever move forward if we don’t think differently. Show those doubters, non-believers and haters. Switch on a lightbulb in the darkness they’re trying to shut you in. 


Love triumphs

Hate is a deceiving emotion. We often think it makes us feel powerful, mighty and fierce. But hate is devious, manipulative and subtle. It slowly clouds over your mind. It slowly weighs you down. And it slowly eats away at your heart. Hate is a burden we carry without properly realising. It never does as much damage to another as it does to ourselves. Try practicing love instead. And I don’t only mean love in the traditional sense of kindness and passion. But also forgiveness, and if not forgiveness then acceptance, and if not acceptance then tolerance. Try practicing love with yourself as much as with others. It works wonders.



Pray for Paris

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one. ~ John Lennon

Pray for Paris and Pray for the World

(Image: created myself using picmonkey)

Three things to not get caught up in


There’s so much we can get stuck into in life. But sometimes there are things that end up tying us down. Here’s a few things we shouldn’t get so caught up in:

  1. In some respect, details can dampen the spirit of life. When we plan out our life in too minute detail, we set expectations of ourselves and the future. But life is unexpected, and so details can not only leave us disappointed but also rigid and restricted. We lose our sense of spontaneity and possibility.
  2. Gossip may seem perfectly normal, and perhaps even harmless, but it is rooted in negativity, hate and competition. And it doesn’t just have consequences for those we talk about, but ourselves too. When we gossip, we judge other people, we bring other people down, and we might even end up twisting stories that are passed on. We lose our sense of kindness and positivity.
  3. People are always trying to place definitions on everyone and everything associated with everyone. But let’s remember that we are in control of who we are and who we want to be. And we are so much more than just one thing or one label. Don’t be afraid for stand for something, or more than one thing, but most of all don’t worry about what anyone thinks. Otherwise we’ll lose our sense of self.
